Parish Pastoral Council
In accord with the norms of the Diocese of Manchester, each parish it to have a Parish Pastoral Council whose purpose is to assist the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating and reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education/formation and service activities within the parish.
2023 Parish Pastoral Council Members
- Vacant, Chair
- Jessica DePrizio Cole, Director of Faith Formation (ex officio)
- Moe Cozzo, Buildings and Grounds
- Amy Longmoore, Administrative Assistant (ex officio)
- Kathy Snyder, Faith Formation
- Chuck Wira, Parish Relations
Parish Finance Council
In accordance with Church law (CIC no. 1280) and the norms of the Diocese of Manchester, every parish is to have a parish finance council which serves as an advisory body to the pastor. The finance council assists in:
- the preparation of the annual budget;
- monitoring finance reports and the annual budget;
- assuring a presentation of the financial statements to the parish annually;
- the implementation of diocesan financial policies;
- the pastor’s evalution of parish finances and the administration of properties.
2023 Finance Council Members
- Kevin O’Leary, chair
- Patricia Anderson
- Amy Longmoore
- Gwendolen Gensler
- Ralph Hammock
- Janice Pilon-Decker