This is the first step in preparation for First Holy Communion. Children have the joyous opportunity to confess their sins to God and receive absolution. This is usually undertaken by young people in second grade, although all of us are called throughout our lives to return frequently to this sacrament.
In this Sacrament of Initiation the Confirmandi are strengthened with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through the laying on of hands and the anointing with chrism oil, the Confirmandi allow grace to work in a more powerful way in their lives. In the Diocese of Manchester, the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in Third Grade prior to receiving First Holy Communion.
Should families have children that are older than 3rd grade in need of the Sacrament of Confirmation, we will happily work with your family to help prepare the children to receive the sacrament.
Holy Communion is the culmination of our Sacraments of Initiation. We are gifted with the opportunity to receive Jesus’ Precious Body and Blood. We are all called to this intimacy with Our Lord as He humbles Himself to come to us through the substance of bread and wine. In the Diocese of Manchester this sacrament normally occurs in the Third Grade.